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Installation Steps For Installing TurboC compiler

This guide will explain how to install the TurboC compiler onto the C: drive but you can choose any drive and location that you wish.
Following are the steps to install the TurboC compiler:
1. Copy the truboC.exe file onto the C: drive of your computer.
2. Double-click the truboC.exe file. The Open File – Security Warning dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure.

3. Click the Run button in the Open File – Security Warning dialog box. The WinZip Self-Extractor – turboC.exe dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure.

4. Click the Unzip button. All the files get unzipped and stored in the C:\tctemp folder. If you want, you can change the name and location of the folder.
5. Double-click the C:\tctemp folder. This displays the contents of the folder.
6. Double-click the INSTALL.EXE file. The following window is displayed.

7. Press the ENTER key. The following widow is displayed.

8. Type C as the source drive in the Enter the SOURCE drive to use box.
9. Press the ENTER key. The following widow is displayed.

10. Press the ENTER key. The following widow is displayed.

11. Press the ENTER key with the default option selected. The following widow is displayed.

12. Select the Start Installation option from the options provided in the TurboC Installer window.
13. Press the ENTER key. The following widow is displayed.

14. Press the ENTER key. This completes the installation of the TurboC compiler.


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