JSP Tutorial JSP stands for Java Server Pages. JSP is a part of Java technology that allows web developers rapidly to create a wide ranges of enterprise, mission critical web applications such as e-commerce, banking and corporate intranet applications. . Creating a web app in NetBeans 1. Open Netbeans 7.0 2. Create New Projec. 3. Choose Java Web in Categories side and Web Application in Projects side. 1 4. Put Project Name, choose Project Location and Next 2 3 5. Choose Server. You can add new Server into your Netbeans, the Server running for All Project and Not Only for one Project. 5.1 add New Server...i am using Tomcat Click Add… 4 5.2 Choose Server 6.Back to New Web Application Windows. Choose Java EE Version. And Click Next 5 7. Click Finish ...