Start the First(Start->All Programs->Oracle with version->Start Database) Now open the Netbeans. Navigate to Services tab. If services tab is not available ,press ctrl+5 or go to windows menu. Double click the Drivers folder You can see there is Oracle Thin option. Right click on Oracle Thin ,then select Connect Using Now you can view small window. Fill the form with following Details: Host: localhost Port: 1521 SID: XE username: system Password: password which you gave when installing oracle. Check show JDBC url Copy the JDBC Url to notepad for feature usage. Refer this Picture ,if you have doubt: Now you can see the option which start with "jdbc:oracle" Right click on that. If the connection is not established,click "connect" Now let's check whether the connection is established or not.(make sure the oracle database is started). Right click on jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE Select Execute Comma...