Create a function that a number by value and returns smallest and largest factors of the number through pass by reference.
using System; namespace st { class HighestLowestFactors { public static void Main() { int highfact, lowfact; Console.WriteLine( "Enter a number : " ); int num = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); GetHighestLowestFactors( num, out highfact, out lowfact); Console.WriteLine( "For number {0}, Highest Factor is {1} and Lowest Factor is : {2}" , num, highfact,lowfact ); } public static void GetHighestLowestFactors( int num, out int hf, out int lf) { // get lowest factor other than 1. In case of prime number 1 lf = 1; for ( int i = 2; i <= num / 2; i++) { if (num % i == 0) { lf = i; break ; } } // get highest factor other than the number. In case...