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Encapsulation example in c#

1. BankAccountExternal.cs

using System;
public class BankAccountExternal
    public decimal GetAmount()
        return 2000.00m;

2. BankAccountPrivate.cs

using System;
class BankAccountPrivate
    private string m_name;
    public string CustomerName
        get { return m_name; }
        set { m_name = value; }

3. BankAccountProtected.cs

using System;
class BankAccountProtected
    public void CloseAccount()
    protected virtual void ApplyPenalties()
        // deduct from account
    protected virtual void CalculateFinalInterest()
        // add to account
    protected virtual void DeleteAccountFromDB()
        // send notification to data entry personnel

4. BankAccountPublic.cs

using System;
class BankAccountPublic
    public decimal GetAmount()
        return 1000.00m;

5. CheckingAccount.cs

using System;
class CheckingAccount : BankAccountProtected
    protected override void ApplyPenalties()
        Console.WriteLine("Checking Account Applying Penalties");
    protected override void CalculateFinalInterest()
        Console.WriteLine("Checking Account Calculating Final Interest");
    protected override void DeleteAccountFromDB()
        Console.WriteLine("Checking Account Deleting Account from DB");

6. InternalInterestCalculator.cs

using System;
internal class InternalInterestCalculator
    // members go here

7. SavingsAccount.cs

using System;
class SavingsAccount : BankAccountProtected
    protected override void ApplyPenalties()
        Console.WriteLine("Savings Account Applying Penalties");
    protected override void CalculateFinalInterest()
        Console.WriteLine("Savings Account Calculating Final Interest");
    protected override void DeleteAccountFromDB()
        Console.WriteLine("Savings Account Deleting Account from DB");

8. Program.cs

using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        BankAccountPublic bankAcctPub = new BankAccountPublic();
        // call a public method
        decimal amount = bankAcctPub.GetAmount();
        Console.WriteLine("Bank Account Amount: " + amount);
        BankAccountProtected[] bankAccts = new BankAccountProtected[2];
        bankAccts[0] = new SavingsAccount();
        bankAccts[1] = new CheckingAccount();
        foreach (BankAccountProtected acct in bankAccts)
            // call public method, which invokes protected virtual methods
        BankAccountExternal BankAcctExt = new BankAccountExternal();
        // call a public method
        amount = BankAcctExt.GetAmount();
        Console.WriteLine("External Bank Account Amount: " + amount);


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