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Draw Lines in java

In this example we are going to draw  Lines. the Lines can be drawn with draw Lines().
In this we are using Graphics class and Applet class.
void draw Line( int start x, int start y, int end x, int end y ); This method is used to draw Line
Here draw Line(); use to create Line. int start x, int start y denote the starting point of line same as int end x, int end y denote the finishing point of line.

Here first we are importing two packages. Then after we have write applet tag into comments. In this tag we have pass three arguments code ,height  and width. The code attribute is used to call the applet class. And Height , width is used for Sizing the window. Then we have create a class and extends this class with Applet Class to accurse the property of applet. We had override paint method of applet class. Then we pass the value of starting point int start x, int start y(0,0) and then pass the value of end point int end x, int end y(100,100).


import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
<applet code="Lines" width=300 height=200>
public class Lines extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)




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