It is a member function having same name as it’s class and which is used to initialize the objects of that class type with a legel initial value. Constructor is automatically called when object is created.
Types of Constructor
Default Constructor-: A constructor that accepts no parameters is known as default constructor. If no constructor is defined then the compiler supplies a default constructor.
student :: student()
Parameterized Constructor -: A constructor that receives arguments/parameters, is called parameterized constructor.
student :: student(int r)
Copy Constructor-: A constructor that initializes an object using values of another object passed to it as parameter, is called copy constructor. It creates the copy of the passed object.
student :: student(student &t)
rollno = t.rollno;
A destructor is a member function having sane name as that of its class preceded by ~(tilde) sign and which is used to destroy the objects that have been created by a constructor. It gets invoked when an object’s scope is over.
~student() { }
#include<iostream.h>#include<conio.h>class Student{private :int rollno;float marks;public:Student() //default constructor{rollno=0;marks=0.0;}Student(int r, int m) //parameterized constructor{rollno=r;marks=m;}Student(student &t) //copy constructor{rollno=t.rollno;marks=t.marks;}void getdata() //member function to get data from user{cout<<"Enter Roll Number : ";cin>>rollno;cout<<"Enter Marks : ";cin>>marks;}void showdata() // member function to show data{cout<<"\nRoll number: "<<rollno<<"\nMarks: "<<marks;}~Student() //destructor{}};void main(){clrscr();Student st1; //defalut constructor invokedStudent st2(5,78); //parmeterized constructor invokedStudent st3(st2); //copy constructor invokedst1.showdata(); //display data members of object st1st2.showdata(); //display data members of object st2st3.showdata(); //display data members of object st3getch();}
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