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Interview Experience in TCS

Dear friends,

I would like to share my student experience of attending TCS interviews.

When you go for interview, be confident in what you say….and always put a smile on your face…

When we answer the questions…we must be careful about our answer since we are giving them the chance to ask the next question

If we don’t know anything about the question being asked…accept it by saying that “you don’t know” or “you are not clear about it”

Be very clear of what your resume is! You will have questions about the certification courses, competitions, any projects….

TCS (Dec 2010)
Technical + HR interview
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Area of interest(my area was Data mining….so questions were like:
a. What is data mining?
b. Where is it applied?
c. How data mining is useful for IT industry? )
3. OOPS concepts
4. Difference btw MS ACCESS & Oracle?
5. Join queries?
6. Strengths and weaknesses?
7. About the competition that I participated?
8. C program?
9. C++ programs.
10. About certification course?
11. About projects- whether mini or major project?
12. CEO of TCS?
13. Why TCS?- any 4 reasons

All the Best!!!


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