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How to install Turbo C++ on Windows 7 (C++ compiler from Borland)

How to install Turbo C++ on Windows 7

I am providing detailed procedure how to install Turbo C++ on Windows 7. The very same procedure can be used on Win Vista. If you are running 32 bit version of Win 7.
Installing Turbo C++ on Windows 7
1. Extract the zip files to: e.g. C:\TurboC
2. Run the install:                 C:\TurboC\INSTALL.EXE
3. Press Enter to continue
4. Enter the Source drive:  e.g.C   and press Enter to continue
5. Enter the Source path:   \TURBOC    and press Enter to continue
6. In directories specify where Turbo C files are copied. E.g.  C:\TC . When done go to start instalation and press Enter
7. Succesfull instalation
8. First launch from your destination      e.g.   C:\TC\BIN\TC.EXE

For Turbo C++ 3.0  setup  send me your email id on my Blog...


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