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C / C++ Debugging competition..!!

“NTR Pratispardha ‘11” is designed to test probably the most essential part of programming... Student’s code and to find out the bugs in the code, i.e. desired output is required.
Debugging competition initiated by Mr. Pavan Kumar Pal & Mr. Lokendra Lalit Gadekar.
We invited Mrs. Taruna Madam & Mr. Sandip Kar as a Chief Guest for the Prize distribution Ceremony.
The competition was held on 27-12-2011 in which about 58 internal students participated & we have collected 180 referrals from all the participants.
Before the prize distribution ceremony, a seminar of Data structure was delivered by Mr. Pavan Kumar Pal in order to make the competition more interactive and enjoyable.

Student participating in competition

                                             Mr. Pavan Kumar Pal taking the Seminar  

                                                                        Prize distribution to Winners

Winner List of Debugging competition:

C Debugging Competition
First Yash Bhatnagar
Second Pranav Choudhary
Third Manoj Kumar Soni
C++ Debugging Competition
First Akansha Soni
Second Ankita Sinha
Third Amarpal Singh Rajput

C++ Debugging competition season-2 coming soon ............


  1. your very excellent students. my all of your wishses,please.your take to next achive of continuesly.......

  2. your next level of java debugg competittion winners list of names..


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