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Add Adsense in Between Blogger Posts

You are more likely to generate revenue with Google Adsense if your advertisements stand out. With Blogger, you can place Adsense between your blog posts as a Blogger gadget. This is called inline ads. Having inline advertisements is a great way to make them stand out to your readers.
To set up inline Google Ads on your blog :

To set up inline Google Ads on your blog :

1.Log into your Blogger account.
2.Click on the Layout tab and click on the Page Elements link.
3.Choose the Edit link in the Blog Posts section.

4.Tic the box beside Show Ads Between Posts. Once this is done, select how often you would like your ads to show up: once after every post, once after every other post…

5. Choose the ad size and colours, then click on Save Changes.

All The Best!!!!


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